4th Hellenic Rembetika/ Harlem Blues Concert

On June 27 EMBCA will be hosting the “4th Hellenic Rembetika/ Harlem Blues/Jazz Concert” and Cocktail Hour with The Greater Harlem Chamber of Commerce at the historic and iconic RUSSIAN TEA ROOM (150 W. 57th St. In Manhattan).

The invitation only event during Black Music Month will be to celebrate the 50th ANNIVERSARY OF HARLEM WEEK and also in support of THE HARLEM JAZZ MUSEUM, and BRINGING BACK the ACROPOLIS MARBLE CASTINGS acquired in 1852 (read more) to CCNY in Harlem.

The Hellenic music, which will start with a musical Commemoration of the 50th Anniversary of the Invasion of Cyprus, will be by the “Hellenic Ensemble” with Soprano Julie Ziavras joined by Petros Hatjopoulos on piano, and Kostas Psarros on bouzouki and the Harlem Blues/ Jazz music will be played by the legendary The Phil Young Experience.

Hellenic Rembetika/ Harlem Blues Concert

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