If in Athens join us for EMBCA’s Annual OXI Day (October 28, 1940) Commemoration entitled “The Day that Changed WW2 and the World” in Cooperation with The American Legion in Greece on Friday, November 3, 2023 at 7 P.M. Athens EEST at the Athens Plaza Hotel in Greece. The program will be Moderated by Nikos Papadopoulos, Commsnder of The American Legion in Athens. The presenters will include Lou (Ilias) Katsos EMBCA’s President; Thanasis Choupis, Journalist, ERT World; Stelios Fenekos, Rear Admiral, retired, Hellenic Navy; and Meletis Meletopoulos, Ph. D. Geneva University.
OXI Day (October 28, 1940) a national Hellenic holiday represents when the Hellenic Prime Minister Metaxas was awoken to respond to a series of demands from a representative of a WW2 Axis Power which would have allowed foreign troops free reign in Greece a neutral nation at the time. His response to these demands “Alors, c’est la guerre!” (Then it is war!) and the Hellenic people’s simple shout “OXI/NO” led to battles by the Hellenes of historical international consequences for Europe and the free world. It was the first time in the European theater that an Axis Power was defeated after them taking over country after country, raised the hopes of occupied Europe, and caused the Nazi forces which were scheduled to attack the Soviet Union (Operation Barbarossa) to divert their forces and invade Greece instead. This diversion led to a delay in the Nazi invasion of the U.S.S.R. and the Nazi’s eventual defeat there in the Soviet winter. As per the title of this event OXI Day was a turning point in WW2 and had an importance that went beyond the Hellenic Republic and a war international in scope. In addition, despite the ultimate Hellenic defeat, having fought long and hard , the bravery of the Hellenic people during those difficult six months also had the effect of changing how Hellenic Americans were perceived in America and Hellenes in general both at home and in the diaspora. In America it transformed them from being thought of as the “Other” to being finally accepted as Americans.
RSVP by contacting Nikos Papadopoulos (6907701301) before October 30 as seating capacity is limited.

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